Yuri Kayurov
Yuri Kayurov
Top Movie Cast
Lenin in Paristrue- Lenin This is Moscow Speakingtrue Night Accidenttrue- начальник следственного отдела Николай Владыкин The Romanovs: A Crowned Familytrue The Lost Expeditiontrue- Волжин Golden Rivertrue- Волжин Владимир The Long Farewelltrue- Nikolay Sergeyevich They Are Waiting For Me On The Groundtrue Campuchea: People Everybody Wanted Deadtrue- Narrator The Fathertrue- Semen Semenovich The Sixth of Julytrue- Lenin Chief Designertrue- Рагозин, зам.наркома State Border: Vol. 1. We are Ours, We are New...true The Kremlin Chimestrue- V. I. Lenin My Anfisatrue- Nikolay's father Through Icy Hazetrue- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin There, Beyond the Horizontrue- deputy minister At the Beginning of the Centurytrue- Vladimir Ulyanov The Mistress of the Inntrue- граф Альбафиорита Angle of Incidencetrue- V. I. Lenin The Spring Nighttrue- Narrator (voice) It's Not Always Summer in Crimeatrue