Albert Filozov
Albert Filozov
Top Movie Cast
Apples of Forty-One Yeartrue Red Wine of Victorytrue- начальник госпиталя And the Eternal Battle... From the Life of Alexander Bloktrue Treasure Raiderstrue- Curator Lost in Siberiatrue- Lilka's father A Man from the Boulevard des Capucinestrue- Mr. Second Could One Imagine?true- Kostya, Roman's father Moscow, I Love You!true- пожилой господин Residence Permittrue- Rostislav Savelyev Do Not Leave...true- Chacellor Mary Poppins, Goodbyetrue- Mr. Banks New Adventures of a Yankee in King Arthur's Courttrue- King Arthur / Merlin Poslednyaya Osentrue- Avdey Petrovich Kaftanov Cricket behind the Hearthtrue- Berta's father Captain Blood: His Odysseytrue- Endryu Beyns The Career of Arturo Uitrue Funny People!true- человек на фотографиях Granddaughter of Icetrue- Fürst Knyaz Red, Honest, in Lovetrue- Larsen, Fox Father Peaceful Daystrue- Kovaliov An Ideal Husbandtrue- Mr. Trafford Six Degrees of Celebration 1914true- Test Detective of the St. Petersburg Policetrue- граф Хотек Listen If It's Raining...true- Врач-психотерапевт Russianstrue- White Wizard All the Things We Dreamt of for So Longtrue Captain of the Pilgrimtrue- профессор The Legend of Dvid Islandtrue Tragedy, Rock Styletrue- Dmitriy Ivanovich's Friend Rasmus and the Tramptrue- Oscar Страх высотыtrue- Ilya Rozhdestvensky (childhood friend and colleague) Lady with a Parrottrue- Аристарх Savage Hunt of King Stakhtrue- Ignatius Berman-Gatsevich, manager of the Janowski estate Breakfast with a View to the Elbrus Mountainstrue- Сергей Николаевич Барбаш The Black Hen, or Living Undergroundtrue- Ivan Karlovich And I'm With You Again...true Adventure Firmtrue- Doron - admiral Keychain with secrettrue- парикмахер Пескарёв Lenin in Paristrue- Anarchist Barabbastrue- Joseph of Arimathea Golden Womantrue- Фёдор Никитич Коврин The Great Tamertrue- Savva Kulikov The Way to Yourselftrue- Савельев Допинг для ангеловtrue- Auditor The Auntiestrue- Andrei Ivanovich Тихоняtrue- Василий Васильевич Чебан Operation "Wonderland"true- Конрад Бюхнер A Man Came to a Womantrue For What Sake are You in a Tailcoat?true The Bargaintrue- Watchman Through the Eyes of a Wolftrue Rear Windowtrue- Sam - Jeff's servant The Monarch Butterflytrue Teheran '43true- Scherner - nazi The Life of Beethoventrue