Lev Perfilov
Lev Perfilov
Top Movie Cast
Natalka Poltavkatrue- Boris Tetervakovskiy Kin-dza-dza!true- Kyrr - The Chatlanian-Dissident Blue Patroltrue- "Боязливый", браконьер Tears Were Fallingtrue- piano's owner The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchishtrue- офицер/секретарь буржуинов The Miracle Voice of Gelsominotrue- Snitch Hiding at the Bottom of the Seatrue- "Лохматый" The Most Charming and Attractivetrue- Petr Vasilyevich, Boss Trips on an Old Cartrue- Mikhalyov Man in the Passage Yardtrue- KGB officer Days of the Turbinstrue- любопытный на митинге (нет в титрах) And the Wind Returns...true Miracle in the Land of Obliviontrue- Starosta The Secret Traintrue- Dezhurnyy po stantsii Zakhar Berkuttrue- Boyaryn Cruise, or Divorce Triptrue- доктор The Adventures of the Electronictrue- Ассистент Стампа Captain Nemotrue- Pander-Johnson Pavel Korchagintrue- Franz Klavicek Hard to Be a Godtrue- fake Budakh Where have you been, Odysseus?true Defying Everybodytrue- Zagorski Fuchzhoutrue- Kateryna's father Judenkreis: The Eternal Wheeltrue Kiev Residenttrue- Саша Горовец My Mother Gave Birth to Me Happy...true In the Kingdom of Far Far Awaytrue Катя-Катюшаtrue- Taras Levchenko Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulyatrue- German Inspector of Criminal Investigationtrue- Анатолий Юрьевич Мальцев The Very Old Fairy Taletrue- (voice) Як коваль щастя шукавtrue- злий чаклун Вавило Лиходум My Husband Is an Alientrue- Mikhail Semyonovich Romashkin Effecttrue- работник мебельного магазина Unfinished Lessontrue- Teacher The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedtrue- Гриша Ушивин Zudov, You're Fired!true- Rodion Kulyabsky, veterinarian Impatience of the Soultrue Olesyatrue- Ivan Timofeevich Bonivur's Hearttrue- Lisyansky Weekday Criminal Investigationtrue- Мальцев - парикмахер Лада из страны берендеевtrue- пират-судья Triple Jump of Pantheratrue Циклон начнется ночьюtrue The Legend of Tilltrue- jailer Exercise with Three Unknownstrue- Spetsialist po mekhu Dubrovskytrue- The Steward The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntrue- Priest The Witchtrue- pysar Prokop Pistryak The Scoutstrue- demoted german officer (uncredited) Happy Birthdaytrue- Oduvanchikov Shine, My Startrue- Sashka Hello, Gnat!true- Prokhazka A Dreamtrue- Kripak (serf) The Sons Are Moving Ontrue Profile Images
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