Svetlana Kryuchkova
Svetlana Kryuchkova
Top Movie Cast
It Can't Be!true- Zinaida Scarecrowtrue- парикмахер The Elder Sontrue- Natalya Makarskaya Bury Me Behind the Baseboardtrue- Grandma Couriertrue- Zinaida Pavlovna A Room and a Halftrue- Anna Akhmatova Происшествиеtrue- Нина Осиповна The Long Recesstrue- Nelly Ledneva The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervillestrue- Eliza Barrymore An Unnamed Startrue- классная дама мадмуазель Куку Art of Living in Odessatrue- Tyotya Khava Marriagetrue- Agafya Tikhonovna According to Lopotukhin...true- Alla Konstantinovna, teacher of mathematics The Admirertrue- романистка Светлая личностьtrue- Сигидилия Карповна There Were Three Bachelorstrue The Royal Hunttrue- Ekaterina II The Bonustrue- Alexandra, hoistman Secrets Shared with a Strangertrue- Olga In That Region of Heaven…true- Настя Prince Udacha Andreyevichtrue- учительница F 63.9 Love Sicknesstrue- Roza Moizhes Phenomenontrue- Эвелина Романовна (товаровед, клиентка) My Husband Is an Alientrue- Vera Flight Is Postponedtrue- Anna Dmitrievna Shemetova (Nyusha), eldest daughter And Always Come Back...true Ittrue- Amalia Stockfisch Wagon-Littrue- Galina Nikolaevna It Happened Near the Seatrue Uncle Au in the Citytrue- Boy (voice) / соседка снизу Brezhnevtrue- Viktoria Brezhneva Pani Mariyatrue- Мария Зубрицкая Odessa Steamboattrue- Zhenshchina s Zyamoy I Hate Youtrue- Людмила Александровна Михайлова A Second Springtrue- Lida The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: King of Blackmailerstrue- Agatha - maid The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 2true- Eliza Barrymore The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 1true- Eliza Barrymore A Declaration of Lovetrue- newlywed woman The Music of Lifetrue- Self (archive footage)