Alister Barry
Alister Barry
Top Movie Crew
Backroom TroublestrueCamera
Backroom TroublestrueCamera
Operation 8trueProduction
Wildcat: The Struggle for Democracy in the New Zealand Timberworkers' UniontrueDirecting
Wildcat: The Struggle for Democracy in the New Zealand Timberworkers' UniontrueWriting
Wildcat: The Struggle for Democracy in the New Zealand Timberworkers' UniontrueProduction
Wildcat: The Struggle for Democracy in the New Zealand Timberworkers' UniontrueCrew
A Nuclear Free Pacific (Niuklia Fri Pasifik)trueProduction
Race for the Yankee ZephyrtrueCamera
A Century of StruggletrueDirecting
Someone Else's CountrytrueWriting
Someone Else's CountrytrueDirecting
In a Land of PlentytrueWriting
In a Land of PlentytrueDirecting
Breath of PeacetrueProduction
The Hollow MentrueDirecting
The Hollow MentrueProduction
The Hollow MentrueWriting
Mururoa 1973trueDirecting
Mururoa 1973trueProduction
A Civilised SocietytrueDirecting