Irina Miroshnichenko
Irina Miroshnichenko
Top Movie Cast
Trusttrue- Maria Andreyeva Could One Imagine?true- Lyudmila Sergeevna, Katya's mother The Old New Yeartrue- Klava Poluorlova They Were Known Only By Their Facestrue- Galina Ortynskaya The Only Roadtrue- Gordana Agent of the Secret Servicetrue- Lidiya Florya Andrei Rublevtrue- Mariya Magdalina The World In Another Dimensiontrue Mission in Kabultrue- Marina Luzhina Secrets of Madame Wongtrue- Madame Wong Walking the Streets of Moscowtrue- Katya, Kolya's Sister Red, Honest, in Lovetrue- Fru Alisa, Fox Teacher Investigator by Professiontrue- Natasha We'll Be Back in the Falltrue- Nadya Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portraittrue Chekhov's Pagestrue- Татьяна Алексеевна Страх высотыtrue- Inna Krotova (former lover) Мера пресеченияtrue- Антонина Степановна Муравьёва, директор комбината Uncle Vanyatrue- Yelena Andreevna Serebryakova The Strange Mantrue- Nihal The Investigation Commissiontrue ...И другие официальные лицаtrue That Sweet Word: Liberty!true- Maria A Soldier Came Back from the Fronttrue Plead Guiltytrue- Виктория Павловна Бойко, мать Николая Соло для часов с боемtrue- Dasa Vysocka The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- Rita My Love, My Sorrowtrue- Servinaz A Royal Regattatrue- Violetta Nikolay Baumantrue- Nadya Наездники (киноальманах)true