Kenji Imai
Kenji Imai
Top Movie Cast
Police Precinct Part 12true South Pacific Waves Are Hightrue Police Precinct Part 14true Quick-draw Okatsutrue- Shiozaki Police Department Story Pt.16: 15 Year Old Womantrue Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarōtrue- Kotama(as Syunji Imai) Sympathy for the Underdogtrue- Mad Dog Jiro Kanto Street Peddlers Clan: Violent Loyaltytrue Raping!true- Medium-sized city Detective A Girl Boss: Escape From Reform Schooltrue- Koike Keishichō monogatari gao no nai on'natrue Police Precinct Part 21true Police Department Story Pt.20: Backing Investigationtrue Utau myōjō seishun ga ippaitrue Super Gun Lady: Police Branch 82true- Masato Amamiya , Research Bureau of Cabinet Officer Police Department Story Pt.23: Confessiontrue- Detective Mitamura Eight Men to Killtrue- Yashi Okami Duel in the Stormtrue- Shimazo Hondo Police Department Story Pt.24: Missingtrue- Detective Mitamura Black Panther Bitch Mtrue- Kawashima Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 2true Third Generation Bosstrue Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroomtrue- Sentarô Ishihara - Vice-principal teacher The Homelesstrue- Isokichi Challenge Beneath the Wavestrue Gambling Den Heisttrue- Sugitani Outlaw: Kill!true- Takamatsu Hirakawa With Songs in My Hearttrue Four Hours of Terrortrue- Co-pilot Hara Jet Air Base 101true- Shuji Sato Sister with Sistertrue- Shunta Sekiguchi Glorious Fightstrue- Shingo Kitajima Feisty Edo Girl Nakanori-santrue- Taichi New Prison Walls of Abashiritrue Tales of President Mitotrue- Kakuya Atsumi Outlaw Under a Blue Canopytrue Shinobi No Mono 6: The Last Iga Spytrue The Killing Gametrue- Oyama Targettrue- Kenzo Idogaki The International Gang of Kobetrue- Tetsufumi The Yakuza Code Still Livestrue- Shibata Organized Violence IItrue- Nakagawa Yakuza Graveyardtrue- Shunji Matsunaga Quarreling with Yakuzatrue Yakuza of the Presenttrue- Gondo Terror in the Streetstrue- Yasoshima Outlaw Killers: Three Mad Dog Brotherstrue- Shiga New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Capetrue The Machine Gun Dragontrue The Prickly-Mouthed Geisha Goes to Sadotrue Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Traitor Shall Dietrue New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Desertertrue The Gambler's Counterattacktrue- Kizaki Gang Loyalty and Vengeancetrue The Okinawa War of Ten Yearstrue Watch Out, Crimson Bat!true New Prison Walls of Abashiri: The Vagrant Comes to a Port Towntrue Sometimes... Like a Prostitutetrue- Gorô New Prison Walls of Abashiri 2true Murder in the Deeptrue- Manager Gondo The Racketeer Ishimatsutrue Another XX: Matori Womantrue Code Between Brothers: All Newtrue Tale of Japanese Burglarstrue- Young detective The Keytrue- Soma Hiroshi New Prison Walls of Abashiri: High Stakes at Abashiritrue New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stray Wolf in Snowtrue The Viper Brothers: The Blackmailerstrue Whipmaster: Ballad of Murdertrue The Brutal Insanity of Lovetrue- Fujisaki Police Precinct Part 2true The Murderer Must Dietrue Botchan yarō seizoroitrue Delinquent Boss: Alley Dog Commandotrue A Kawachi Rascal's Songtrue The Resurrection of the Golden Wolftrue