Frank Dae
Frank Dae
Top Movie Cast
The Covered Trailertrue- Police Chief Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Mantrue- Col. Duffie (uncredited) Without Reservationstrue- Man with Book (uncredited) Night Editortrue- Butler (Uncredited) Don't Gamble with Strangerstrue- John Randall Deceptiontrue- Wedding Guest (uncredited) In Old Amarillotrue- Minister (uncredited) Secret Beyond the Doortrue- Country Squire (uncredited) Little Miss Broadwaytrue- Pool Young Dr. Kildaretrue- President, Board of Directors (uncredited) The Ship That Diedtrue- Board of Inquiry Member (uncredited) Young Mr. Lincolntrue- Townsman (uncredited) Stanley and Livingstonetrue- Commissioner Slightly Honorabletrue- President of the Senate (Uncredited) Carolina Moontrue- Colonel Jefferson Portia on Trialtrue- Head of Disbarment Committee The Man Who Wouldn't Talktrue- Judge Hold Back the Dawntrue- Horace - Elderly Kiwanis Gentleman (uncredited) 711 Ocean Drivetrue- Pop (uncredited) In Old Chicagotrue- Judge The Winner's Circletrue- Col. Waldron Borrowing Troubletrue- Doctor Backlashtrue- Dr. Pearson Johnny Allegrotrue- Dr. Jaynes Private Detectivetrue- Judge Jas. C. Dewitt (uncredited) Romance on the High Seastrue- Minister (uncredited) Lady in the Laketrue- Party Guest (Uncredited) Gallant Journeytrue- Judge (uncredited)