Vladimir Kashpur
Vladimir Kashpur
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Peace to the Huts, War to the Palacestrue Old Songs about the Main Thing 2true Импровизация на тему биографииtrue Полевая гвардия Мозжухинаtrue Taxi Bluestrue- Old Nechiporenko Ballad of a Soldiertrue- Ryaboy The Cold Summer of 1953true- Fadeich, chief of landing place Flying Dutchmantrue- Захаркин Shukshin's Storiestrue- тесть ( Другая жизнь, фильм №3 ) No Path Through Firetrue- Николай The Weddingtrue- Mishka's Grandfather The Fatal Eggstrue- guard Adventures of Kroshtrue- Zuev Life is full of funtrue- Василий Ефимович Don't Play the Fool...true- General of FSB The Master and Margaritatrue- Andrey Fokich Sokov Bastardstrue- Valentin Petrovich Tyapkin About Businessman Fomatrue The Only Roadtrue- Tairov The Commander of the Lucky 'Pike'true- midshipman Nosov Batallions Ask for Firetrue- Maj. Bulbanuk Ice Goes Into the Oceantrue The Cabal of Hypocritestrue My Destinytrue- Герман Вячеславович Ковалёв Заседание парткомаtrue- Сан Саныч Зюбин (прораб) A Small Giant of Big Sextrue- начальник 1-го отдела Веселі Жабокричіtrue- Soldier Petro Third Timetrue- Kirill Zaitsev The Black Hen, or Living Undergroundtrue- Kobylkin Asleep Passengertrue- контрабандист-валютчик Arithmetic of a Murdertrue- Равиль Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Weddingtrue Time, Forward!true- Khanumov The Fight in the Taigatrue The Love of Mankindtrue- Rastorguev, foremaster According to 206...true- председатель колхоза In a Hard Hourtrue- Kroykov Аварияtrue- Павел Паначук New Adventures of a Yankee in King Arthur's Courttrue- Slave-trader The Legend of Tilltrue- Simon Praet Parade of the Planetstrue- supply manager Summer is Short in the Mountainstrue- Bimbirekov Thunderstorm Over Belayatrue- Veselkov Our Friendstrue- Yarofeich An Essay on Victory Daytrue- Stepanyuk The Zavyalov Weirdostrue- Тимофей (роман «Билетик на второй сеанс»)