Nick Cheung Lik
Nick Cheung Lik
Top Movie Cast
Killer of Snake, Fox of Shaolintrue Kung Fu Conspiracytrue- Chan Li-Hang 10 Magnificent Killerstrue Return of the Kung Fu Dragontrue Revenge of the Dragontrue Land of the Bravetrue- Tien Chi-Ko The Black Belttrue- Yang Shang-Cheng Bruce's Deadly Fingerstrue- Backers T-shirt Bruce and Shaolin Kung Futrue- Kang Jin The Dragon Lives Againtrue- One-armed swordsman The Fatal Flying Guillotinestrue Mantis Fists & Tiger Claws of Shaolintrue- Government Agent Treasure of Bruce Letrue- Chan Yo-Lung The 36 Deadly Stylestrue- Wai Chi Dragon Bruce Lee, Part IItrue Secret Service of the Imperial Courttrue- Wang Piao Bruce's Secret Kung Futrue Kung Fu Means Fists, Strikes and Swordtrue- Crazy Sabre Kung Fu's Herotrue- Cheng Ho Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu part 2true