Robbe De Hert
Robbe De Hert
Top Movie Cast
Koko Flaneltrue- regisseur Catchring Hollywood on the river Scheldttrue- Self Camera Sutra (or the Pale Faces)true- Robbe Top Movie Crew
Lijmen/Het beentrueDirecting
Zware jongenstrueDirecting
De Bom (of het wanhoopskomitee)trueDirecting
Twee Keer Twee OgentrueDirecting
Blueberry HilltrueDirecting
Camera Sutra (or the Pale Faces)trueWriting
De Dokstaking (Dokstaking '73)trueDirecting
Brylcream BoulevardtrueDirecting
Hollywood on the river ScheldttrueDirecting
Camera Sutra (or the Pale Faces)trueDirecting
De ProefkonijnentrueDirecting
The Life We Dreamt OftrueDirecting
Janssen & Janssens draaien een filmtrueDirecting
Hollywood by BiketrueWriting
Hollywood by BiketrueDirecting
Trouble in ParadisetrueDirecting
Trouble in ParadisetrueWriting
Trouble in ParadisetrueProduction
Arthur Is FantastictrueEditing
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