Gaston Dubosc
Gaston Dubosc
Top Movie Cast
My Father Was Righttrue- Adolphe Bellanger, son père Nine Bachelorstrue- Antonin Rousselier A Gentleman of the Ringtrue- Count Brodelet de Surville Once Upon a Timetrue- Parker The Secret of Polichinelletrue Deputy Eusèbetrue- The notary Dainah the Mixedtrue- Le commandant The Pearls of the Crowntrue- Le grand-duc The Life and Loves of Beethoventrue- Anton Schindler From Mayerling to Sarajevotrue- Le comte Chotek Le Roman d'un jeune homme pauvretrue- Le vieux domestique Pasteurtrue- President of the Academy of Medicine Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élyséestrue- L'Abbé Maudoux L'éperviertrue- Maurice de Sardloup Profile Images
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