Tamotsu Ishibashi
Tamotsu Ishibashi
Top Movie Cast
Odadoushikai Oda Seiji 9true Odadoushikai Oda Seiji Final Chaptertrue Otoko Michi 6 The Endtrue Japanese Gangster History Ambition Corps 3true Japanese Gangster History Ambition Corps 2true Gamera 2: Attack of Legiontrue- First Lieutenant Hanatani Memories : Osaka Yakuza War Retributiontrue The Face of Minamitrue- Yamanaka Gokudō Tenka Fubu: Act 2true Gokudō Tenka Fubu: Act 4true Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belialtrue- Hiro Pachipro Naniwa Ryozanpaku 2true Pachipro Naniwa Ryozanpakutrue Pachipro Naniwa Ryozanpaku 6true Pachipro Naniwa Ryozanpaku 4true Junji Inagawa: Horror Theatertrue Horror House Vol.1: Grudge Ghost Classroomtrue Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Conqueror of Japantrue Glory to the Filmmaker!true- Hisamatsu Group Young Head Maji! 4: The Struggletrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 5: Deadly Struggletrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 6: Raging Firetrue- Shirogane Maji Butakari: Vengeance Boxtrue Maji! 7: Violent Clash Chaptertrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 8: The Bloodshedtrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 9: Ragetrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 11: Heat Wavetrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 10: Chivalrytrue- Shirogane Maji Maji! 12: The Ambitiontrue Have You Seen the Barefoot God?true- Shigeru Yoshimura Ultraman Nexus EX: Shiori - Lost Memories -true- Eisuke Wakura Zombie Snaketrue- Kazuki Morimiya The Glorious Asuka Gang!true- Toki Four Days of Snow and Bloodtrue- Hachiro Hayashi You'll Die Six Hours Latertrue Kanto Yakuza War: Chalice of Shuratrue New Japan Violence Zonetrue Misa Yamamura Suspense: Kyoto Good Luck Tour Murdertrue- Takaaki Tanabe Romantic Lake Mashuko Murderstrue- Nishizawa Akira Day Breaktrue- Tadamasa Nakamichi Kiyamachi Darumatrue- Kazunori Hanai The Boss' Wifetrue- Toshi Immortal Herotrue- Tadashi Mioya Gamera 3: Revenge of Iristrue- Kairei crew New Japanese Violence Chapter 2true Jitsuroku Shinsengumi 2true Hokkaido Yakuza War: Elegy of the North Seatrue The Farmer's Bride Requires Care! Part 2: The Organic Grand Strategytrue The Farmer's Bride Requires Care! Part 1: Angel Descendstrue Strawberry Roadtrue- Akira Ishii Profile Images
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