Ivan Bortnik
Ivan Bortnik
Top Movie Cast
Десять дней, которые потрясли мирtrue Ночевала тучка золотаяtrue What the Hell Do You Want?true Don't Cry Mommytrue- 'Hitler' The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedtrue- "Promokashka" Shukshin's Storiestrue- Худяков ( Другая жизнь, фильм №3 ) Other People's Letterstrue- Shura Lost in Siberiatrue- Faina's husband Return of the "Battleship"true The Murder at Zhdanovskayatrue- Gleb Yarin Старшинаtrue- Ivan Nikanorych Death in Cinematrue- Vasili Stolbov Antikiller 2: Antiterrortrue- Bedbug Why Wouldn't We Send... a Messenger?true- Brother-in-law Was There Karotin?true- Лисюк Don't Cry Mommy 2true- Hitler Confessiontrue- Василий (дебют в кино) Act According to Situation!true Three Percent of Dangertrue- Корбут The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhintrue- Boris Krokhin Our Callingtrue- комсомольский секретарь A Sentimental Romancetrue- Kucheryavyy Mirror for a Herotrue- Андрей Иванович Немчинов A Declaration of Lovetrue- Kroykov A Cossack Galloped Through the Valleytrue The Day Aheadtrue- Вячеслав Чураков The World In Another Dimensiontrue