Arkadi Tsinman
Arkadi Tsinman
Top Movie Cast
Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tramtrue- Direktor tsirka Foma Gordeyevtrue- Medynsky Russkiy Suvenirtrue- journalist (uncredited) Kingdom of Crooked Mirrorstrue- Наиглавнейший министр Абаж (Daot [Abag]) A Royal Regattatrue- speaker at the academic Council in MAI Give Me a Paw, My Friend!true Верность материtrue- жандармский генерал Anna Kareninatrue- Turovtsyn Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hairtrue- Baron de la Pig, most real pirate The Battle after the Victorytrue Starling and Lyretrue- Industrialist (uncredited) Concerto for Two Violinstrue- guest at a village wedding