Galina Belyaeva
Galina Belyaeva
Top Movie Cast
Everything is Decided in a Momenttrue- Надя Привалова Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville...true My Tender and Affectionate Beasttrue- Olga Bambi's Childhoodtrue- Faline (adolescent) Bambi's Youthtrue- Falina The Black Arrowtrue- Joanna Sedley Anna Pavlovatrue- Anna Pavlova Souvenir for the Prosecutortrue- Zina Izmaylova A Piece of Skytrue- Anzhel The Imaginary Invalidtrue- Анжелика Capablancatrue- Sashenka Mojaeva Lev Yashin. The Dream Goalkeepertrue- Yashin's wife in maturity Ladies' Mantrue- Olga Semykina Where is he going!true- Олеся, колхозница и участница самодеятельности Lenin in Paristrue- Girl in jeans