Chris Alexander
Chris Alexander
Top Movie Cast
The Resurrections of Clarence Neveldinetrue- Anchorman Dreaming of Death: Bob Clark's Horror Filmstrue- Self Hail to the Deaditestrue- Self Top Movie Crew
The Stink of FleshtrueSound
One for the RoadtrueSound
Girl with a Straight RazortrueWriting
Girl with a Straight RazortrueCrew
Girl with a Straight RazortrueDirecting
Space VampiretrueProduction
Space VampiretrueDirecting
It Knows You're AlonetrueWriting
It Knows You're AlonetrueProduction
It Knows You're AlonetrueSound
It Knows You're AlonetrueDirecting
Blood for IrinatrueDirecting
The Shutterbug MantrueSound
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueDirecting
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueEditing
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueCrew
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueWriting
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueProduction
She Who Must BurntrueSound
Female WerewolftrueDirecting
Scream of the Blind DeadtrueSound
Blood for IrinatrueProduction
Blood for IrinatrueWriting
Blood for IrinatrueEditing
Female WerewolftrueEditing
Parasite LadytrueDirecting
Parasite LadytrueProduction
Blood DynastytrueProduction
It Knows You're AlonetrueCamera
Blood DynastytrueDirecting
Necropolis: LegiontrueWriting
Necropolis: LegiontrueDirecting
Clapboard Jungle: Surviving the Independent Film BusinesstrueProduction
The Devil's MiletrueSound