Giovanni Guidelli
Giovanni Guidelli
Top Movie Cast
It's Happening Tomorrowtrue- Edo Homer: Portrait of the Artist as an Old Mantrue The Mask of Satantrue- Davide Where Angels Fear to Treadtrue- Gino Carella Tutta la veritàtrue- Giancarlo De Paolis Back from Helltrue- Father Elia Traces of an Amorous Lifetrue- Lisa's ex-boyfriend Empoli 1921 - Film in rosso e nerotrue Blind Man's Blufftrue- Max Unknown Soldiertrue- Len Nichols The Touristtrue- Tenente Tommassini The Night of the Shooting Starstrue- Marmugi Junior Farinata: la tredicesima nottetrue- Farinata Top Movie Crew
Farinata: la tredicesima nottetrueDirecting