Betty Arvaniti
Betty Arvaniti
Top Movie Cast
A Bachelor's Pad For Tentrue- Dora Soultanoglou Bullets Don't Come Backtrue- Warden's Mistress The happy face of Leonoratrue Some tired boystrue- Ritta Μια Μάνα Κατηγορείταιtrue Wedding nighttrue- Jenny Kabiri The Hot Month of Augusttrue- Martha Foka The Dawn Of Victorytrue- Xrisa The imaginary onetrue- Ismini Conflict of Emotionstrue- Olga Το Κοροϊδάκι Της Πριγκηπέσσαςtrue- Mairi A Man for All Jobs...true- mother Vacation to Our Cyprustrue Spend the first of the monthtrue- Maria Magdali Story of a Lifetimetrue- Mrs. Leondiadou Θέμα συνειδήσεωςtrue- Ms. Sakellaropoulou The terroristtrue- Mrs. Andreaki The 7th Day of Creationtrue I'm Tired of Killing Your Loverstrue Οι Νέοι Θέλουν να Ζήσουνtrue I Remember You Leaving All the Timetrue Thymisou, agapi mou...true- Elsa Όταν οι γυναίκες αγαπούνtrue- Rena Profile Images
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