Svetlana Bojković
Svetlana Bojković
Top Movie Cast
Some Birds Can't Flytrue- Doktorka One Hell of an Actortrue- Herself Frivolous Branislav Nusictrue- Branilac 1 The Dog Who Loved Trainstrue- Mika Sheitan Warriortrue- Latinka The Policeman from Cock's Hilltrue- Radmila The Theatre Connectiontrue- Lela Vukovar Poste Restantetrue- Vilma Some Other Womantrue- Danica The Last Owls and the First Peacockstrue- Dušica Santa Maria della Salutetrue- Ana Palanački Arandjel's Predicamenttrue- Anka Petrović, strina The Mouldtrue- Majka Mira Weekend with Popstrue- Gospođa mama The Magnificent Cuckoldtrue- Stela Better Lifetrue- Emilija Popadić