Laurent Capelluto
Laurent Capelluto
Top Movie Cast
Domestic Lifetrue- Mathieu A Christmas Taletrue- Simon For My Countrytrue- Général Ledoux Great lifetrue- Grégoire Spielmann The Long Fallingtrue- Denis The Moon Childtrue- Harold Amourtrue- Police Officer #1 Lights Outtrue- Yves, l'entraîneur de foot L'école des espionstrue- Pedro Alfonso Pour le plaisirtrue- Martial's collegue The Little Gangtrue- Le patron de l'usine Operation Libertadtrue- Guy Les pas perdustrue- Gaëtan Clenched Fisttrue- Le père Mr. Nobodytrue- Man in Black The Clearstream Affairtrue- Imah Lahoud Le premier venutrue- Mathieu I Am a Soldiertrue- Pierre I'm All Yourstrue- Le docteur Paul Martins OSS 117: Lost in Riotrue- Kutner This Life of Minetrue- Bertrand Blanc We Believe Youtrue- The Father Don't Tell Hertrue- Daniel Kantarian Domestic Fabletrue- Adrien Heartstringstrue- Docteur Vergne She Is Not Crying, She Is Singingtrue- Jérôme A Little Mantrue- Antoine Battle of the Classestrue- M. Toledano The Truthtrue- Journalist My Best Parttrue- Jean-François, the agent Photo de familletrue- Tom Tout va bientrue- Le greffier Nothing to Declaretrue- 'La Balle' The Scammerstrue- William Playgroundtrue- Antoine's Father Profile Images
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