Toshie Kimura
Toshie Kimura
Top Movie Cast
Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue- Mrs. Yamamori Mirai ni tsunagaru ko ratrue Sword of the Beasttrue- Misa Godzilla vs. Hedorahtrue- Toshie Yano Gamblers: The Dragon Tattootrue- Koyuki The Long Darknesstrue- Okami Three Outlaw Samuraitrue- Oine Kōkōsei to jokyōshi hijō no seishuntrue The Soundless Crytrue- Tomiko Kashimura Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stabletrue Mysterious Thirteen Nights: Chapter 1 - Ghost Story at the Kagamigaiketrue Edo Crime Book: Black Clawstrue Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshimatrue- Rika Yamamori Miyamoto Musashitrue- Oko Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy Wartrue- Mrs. Yamamori Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Police Tacticstrue- Toshika Sleepy Eyes of Death 9: Trail of Trapstrue- Sonoe A House in the Quartertrue