Guillermo Méndez
Guillermo Méndez
Top Movie Cast
Ringo: The Lone Ridertrue- Guillermo Mendez Sabata the Killertrue- Pedro Plomo sobre Dallastrue- Sheriff The Mercenarytrue- Captain (uncredited) The Return of the Vampirestrue- Harry The Vengeance of Dr. Mabusetrue- CIA Agent The Singer from Mexicotrue- (uncredited) Living in Sevilletrue- Luis Dead Are Countlesstrue- Johnny's Henchman Ringo and Gringo Against Alltrue The Corpse Packs His Bagstrue For a Few Dollars Moretrue- White Rocks Sheriff (uncredited) Kitosch, the Man Who Came from the Northtrue Twins from Texastrue- Capitan Lister Acteóntrue- General prusiano Rebels of Arizonatrue- Sheriff Soldier of Fortunetrue- (uncredited) Posición avanzadatrue- Teniente Crespo Dead Men Don't Counttrue- Lassiter Brother Twenty Thousand Dollars for Every Corpsetrue The Vengeance of Pancho Villatrue- Camacho The Girl of the Niletrue- Petersen Los conquistadores del Pacíficotrue Aquellos tiempos del cuplétrue Zorro the Avengertrue- Profesor de esgrima The Shadow of Zorrotrue- Maestro de esgrima Cavalry Chargetrue- Colonel McCloud Massacre at Fort Granttrue- Capitan Nixon El seductor de Granadatrue In a Colt's Shadowtrue- (uncredited) Seven Guns for the MacGregorstrue- Bandido (uncredited) El sol sale todos los díastrue- Guardia civil 2 Near the citytrue- La Autoridad Condemned to Hangtrue- Tranquilo La alegre caravanatrue- Miembro del público en primer pueblo Two Thousand Dollars for Coyotetrue- Lester