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No Love, Pleasetrue- Power artist Willy the Sparrowtrue- The bartender Dragon and Slipperstrue- Sir Kay Csutak and the Grey Horsetrue- Rendör Don't Keep Off the Grasstrue- Car repair A Certain Major Benedektrue Summer Cloudstrue- Policeman Twenty Hourstrue- Kocsmáros The Bells Have Gone to Rometrue- Gregorics zászlós Johnny Corncobtrue- Gazda (voice) The Birth of Menyhért Simontrue Smugglerstrue- Borjúvásárló Merry-Go-Roundtrue- Samu János Husaren in Berlintrue- Tschurtschenthaler Underground Colonytrue- ÁVH õrmester I'll Appeal to the Ministertrue- Orbán Mattie the Goose-Boytrue- Fõhajdú (voice) Nehéz kesztyüktrue- waiter Wie füttert man einen Eseltrue