Salah Qabil
Salah Qabil
Top Movie Cast
The Divorceestrue- Mahmoud We're All Thieves, My Deartrue- Abdullah Bahns Dilapidated Womantrue- Mohamed Mujahid - Ahlam’s defense lawyer Snakes Passiontrue- Yousry Al-Wasimi Hero Of Papertrue- General Adel Nahr Al Khooftrue- العقيد فاروق The Dancer & the Politiciantrue- Khaled Madkour The Sparrowtrue- Youssef Fathallah The dancer and the jailertrue Laughter, Play and Musictrue Mansion of Longingtrue- Fahmi Abdel Jawad The Minister Is Comingtrue- the minister Highly Dangerous Mantrue- Mustafa Abu Al-Ezz Scorpions' Hilltrue- Anter We Do Not Sow The Thistletrue- Abbas Boraie Between Two Mansionstrue- Fahmy Abdel-Gawad Alley of The Pestletrue- Abbas Al-Helou The Intrudertrue- saber mubark المهندس صابر مبارك Al Shaytan wal Khariftrue The Circle of Revengetrue- Fouad Saqr Harib min Al-Ayyamtrue- Fakhri Habib Doria Shahd Al-Malekatrue- وح الغراب فتوة الحارة Samiha Badran's Casetrue- Abbas The Iron Ladytrue- Shukri Abdel Aziz Heya Wil Regaltrue- Abdel Moneim Abdel Qader The Unknown Mantrue- حامد خير الله Boy, Girl And the Deviltrue A Song on the Passagetrue- Mounir The Night Of Fatima's Arresttrue- جلال طاهر Widow of a living mantrue- Mohammed Eghtyal Modarresatrue- Tawfiq Lotfy One last night of lovetrue