Jacques-Rémy Girerd
Jacques-Rémy Girerd
Top Movie Crew
Raining Cats and FrogstrueDirecting
Charlie's ChristmastrueDirecting
Charlie's ChristmastrueWriting
A Cat in ParistrueWriting
A Cat in ParistrueProduction
Mia and the MigootrueDirecting
My Little PlanettrueDirecting
Tragic Story with Happy EndingtrueProduction
Aunt Hilda!trueProduction
The Little Circus and Other TalestrueWriting
The Little Circus and Other TalestrueDirecting
Petites Z'escapadestrueWriting
Petites Z'escapadestrueDirecting
Phantom BoytrueProduction
The Multi-Coloured Little CircustrueDirecting
Mia and the MigootrueWriting
My Little PlanettrueWriting
My Little PlanettrueWriting
Charlie's ChristmastrueWriting
Raining Cats and FrogstrueWriting
Mia and the MigootrueProduction
Sculpture, SculpturestrueWriting
The Multi-Coloured Little CircustrueWriting
Mia and the MigootrueWriting
Raining Cats and FrogstrueWriting
Raining Cats and FrogstrueWriting
Raining Cats and FrogstrueProduction
Mauvais tempstrueProduction
Spud and the Vegetable GardentrueProduction
It's a Dog's LifetrueProduction
The Monk and the FishtrueProduction
Sculpture, SculpturestrueDirecting
The Elephant and the WhaletrueArt
The Elephant and the WhaletrueWriting
The Elephant and the WhaletrueWriting
The Elephant and the WhaletrueDirecting
The Multi-Coloured Little CircustrueWriting
Charlie's ChristmastrueWriting
Raining Cats and FrogstrueWriting
Mia and the MigootrueWriting
My Little PlanettrueProduction
My Little PlanettrueWriting
The Great MigrationtrueProduction
La cancion du microsillontrueProduction
The Apartment CattrueProduction
At the Ends of the EarthtrueProduction
Ein guter TagtrueProduction
Paroles en l'airtrueProduction
John of the MoontrueProduction
In the Light of the MoontrueProduction
Miller, You're SleepingtrueProduction
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