Janez Škof
Janez Škof
Top Movie Cast
Shooting Blankstrue- Dušan Good to Gotrue- Undertaker Frank Socializing The Bull?true- King's deputy Xerox (voice) Rooster's Breakfasttrue- Jure Cikuta Bread and Circusestrue- Tomo Tantadrujtrue- Janez Žakaj I Demand a Bridge, I am Entitled to It!true- Jože Presa Stories from the Chestnut Woodstrue- Silvan Wracked Pianotrue- Doorkeeper Almost Six Feet too Deeptrue- Janez Peter and Petratrue- Ropar Love Is the Ruin of Us Alltrue Portrait of the Poet with His Doubletrue- Zabreški Prešeren Dergi and Roza in the Kingdom of the Marmottrue Double Holidaystrue- Dedek The Final Day of Rudolf Nietschetrue- Rudolf Nietsche Everything Is Differenttrue- Frenk Tartini's Keytrue- Adelio