Ole Søltoft
Ole Søltoft
Top Movie Cast
Danish Pastriestrue- Armand In the Sign of the Liontrue- Toni Bram Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittariustrue- Agent 69 Jensen Jumpin' at the Bedsidetrue- Adam Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpiotrue- Agent 69 Jensen In the Sign of the Geminitrue- Anthon Master / Benny Master In the Sign of the Taurustrue- Dr. Andreas Salvesen Life with Daddytrue- Jørgensen Den kære familietrue- Friis' søn Dagmar's Hot Pants, Inc.true- Dr. Lennart Peterson Cirkusrevyen 67true- Various Roles Bedside Dentisttrue- Thomas Landmandslivtrue- Triddelfritz Six Kids and Their Uncletrue Bedside Romancetrue- Steen Larsen Come to My Bedsidetrue- Svend Hooray for the Blue Hussarstrue- Løjtnant Bedside Headtrue- Max Mikkelsen Een pige og 39 sømændtrue- 3. styrmanden Niels Bedroom Mazurkatrue- Max Mikkelsen The Song of the Red Rubytrue- Ask The Loose Tiletrue- Hans Christian Bastballe - Mayor's son Halløj i himmelsengentrue- Fætter Emil A Man with a Maidtrue- Jack Armstrong (as Ollie Soltoft) Sexy Girls of Denmarktrue