Abdallah Farghaly
Abdallah Farghaly
Top Movie Cast
We're All Thieves, My Deartrue- Abdel Razek It Is Really A Respectable Familytrue Wedad, The Belly Dancertrue The School of Mischieftrue- Allam El Malawany 2 Against the lawtrue- Ahmed The deceiverstrue- marzouk The Wife Gets The Flattrue- عبدالمقصود Five star thievestrue- Abu Laila A Million Dollar Dealtrue Sayedaty El Gameelatrue- جعيدي / أربكان Laiali Yasmeentrue- Ismail - Yasmine's sister's husband The World on a Dove's Wingtrue- Fouad Bey Hawaa2 el sa3a 12true- عبدالمجيد فرغلي Eve at 12 o'clocktrue- عبدالمجيد فرغلي Pack of Devilstrue- من عصابة بهجوري Upper-Egyptian Back & Forthtrue Best Laid Plans!true- Adham abu Soso The Beauty and The Scoundreltrue- مدبولي She, I, and His Highnesstrue- عزيز العتبة جزازtrue- الطبيب النفسي Fawazia The Bourgeoisietrue The Street Playertrue- Rizk I want love and affectiontrue- Sabaawi Serial Killer of Womentrue- عزوز