John Ward
John Ward
Top Movie Cast
Brutalitytrue- Tenant (segment 'Axemas') Easter Bunny Bloodbath 2: No More Tearstrue- John Ward Bloody Nun 2: The Cursetrue- Father Gordon Herschell Kill Dolly Killtrue- Lubed Patient 2 Clown Motel Massacretrue- William Mcready Dinogoretrue- Storage Unit Man Amityville Webcamtrue- Steve Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clowntrue- Cult Leader Scare Metrue- Robert the Waiter Cruel Summertrue- Detective Arawak Frightvisiontrue- Radio News Reporter / Tenant Night of the Zomghoulstrue- Officer Berry Flakka Zombie Drugtrue- Reporter in Glasses The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradoxtrue- Dr. Kel Zombie Ragetrue- Doom Pastor Dark Shade Creek 4: Ten Years Latertrue- Stu Baker Camp Blood X: Animatedtrue- Dan (voice) Las Vegas Frankensteintrue- The Captain The Heiresstrue- Bloody Mary Challenger Top Movie Crew
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueDirecting
Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the ClowntrueCrew
Meathook Massacre IVtrueSound
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Cruel SummertrueDirecting
Meathook Massacre IVtrueCamera
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueWriting
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueLighting
Night of the ZomghoulstrueDirecting
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueProduction
Evil Bong 777trueProduction
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueSound
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueSound
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueLighting
Los Angeles LiferstrueCamera
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueProduction
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueCamera
Art of the DeadtrueProduction
My Little NightmaretrueSound
Zombie RagetrueProduction
The Immortal Wars: Dekay's ParadoxtrueSound
VHS Violence II: VHS and KILLtrueDirecting
House of PaintrueDirecting
Another Evil NighttrueCrew
Axegrinder 2trueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueDirecting
Meathook Massacre IVtrueWriting
Night of the ZomghoulstrueCamera
Meathook Massacre IVtrueCamera