John Ward
John Ward
Top Movie Cast
Brutalitytrue- Tenant (segment 'Axemas') Clown Motel Massacretrue- William Mcready Dinogoretrue- Storage Unit Man Easter Bunny Bloodbath 2: No More Tearstrue- John Ward Bloody Nun 2: The Cursetrue- Father Gordon Herschell Amityville Webcamtrue- Steve Kill Dolly Killtrue- Lubed Patient 2 Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clowntrue- Cult Leader Scare Metrue- Robert the Waiter Frightvisiontrue- Radio News Reporter / Tenant Night of the Zomghoulstrue- Officer Berry Cruel Summertrue- Detective Arawak Zombie Ragetrue- Doom Pastor Flakka Zombie Drugtrue- Reporter in Glasses The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradoxtrue- Dr. Kel Dark Shade Creek 4: Ten Years Latertrue- Stu Baker Top Movie Crew
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueDirecting
Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the ClowntrueCrew
Meathook Massacre IVtrueCamera
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueLighting
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Evil Bong 777trueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueProduction
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueWriting
Meathook Massacre IVtrueSound
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueProduction
Night of the ZomghoulstrueDirecting
Cruel SummertrueDirecting
Axemas 2: Blood SlaytrueProduction
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueSound
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueLighting
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueSound
Art of the DeadtrueProduction
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueCamera
Flakka Zombie DrugtrueProduction
My Little NightmaretrueSound
The Immortal Wars: Dekay's ParadoxtrueSound
Zombie RagetrueProduction
Los Angeles LiferstrueCamera
VHS Violence II: VHS and KILLtrueDirecting
House of PaintrueDirecting
Another Evil NighttrueCrew
Meathook Massacre IVtrueWriting
Axegrinder 2trueProduction
Meathook Massacre IVtrueDirecting
Night of the ZomghoulstrueCamera
Meathook Massacre IVtrueCamera