Mimmo Poli
Mimmo Poli
Top Movie Cast
Pirate of the Half Moontrue- corsaro grasso Getting Away with It the Italian Waytrue Un dollaro di fifatrue- Zaccaria Son of the Red Corsairtrue- Tavern's Patron Ginger and Fredtrue- Man in the Studio Hallway (uncredited) Perfide.... ma belletrue- The fat Lodger at 'Pensione Tecla' (uncredited) 1900true- Fascist (uncredited) The Devil and Holy Watertrue- Tassista Agguato sul Bosforotrue- Informer at Club Totò diabolicustrue- Il postino Untamable Angeliquetrue- Offerer (uncredited) I tre corsaritrue- Il frustatore Libidomaniatrue- Asian (uncredited) Hercules the Avengertrue- Gerone Totò Sexytrue- Un galeotto If You Want to Live... Shoot!true- Bartender The Sons of the Leopardtrue The Cop in Blue Jeanstrue- Gaetano Bozzetti Fra' Manisco cerca guai...true The Magnificent Texantrue- Barman The Thousand and One Nights of Boccaccio in Canterburytrue- Friar The Son of the Sheiktrue- Sceicco Samson Against the Sheiktrue- Chambelain Ferragosto in Bikinitrue- padrone del locale Sodom and Gomorrahtrue- Queen's Cupbearer (uncredited) Crime at Porta Romanatrue- Parking Guy (uncredited) Two Escape from Sing Singtrue La sai l'ultima sui matti?true- Matto The Monte Carlo Storytrue Vino, whisky e acqua salatatrue Trinity Plus the Clown and a Guitartrue- Saloon Owner My Pal, Dr. Jekylltrue- Rufio Come Septembertrue- Commissario (uncredited) The Bible: In the Beginning...true- Sodomite (uncredited) A Million Dollars for 7 Murderstrue- uomo grasso nella sauna On My Way to the Crusades, I Met a Girl Who...true- Boia Two Gangsters in the Wild Westtrue- Uomo al saloon Two Gangsters in the Wild Westtrue- Man in the saloon We Are All in Temporary Libertytrue L'amore nasce a Romatrue- Tancredi (uncredited) Roman Holidaytrue- Worker Hugging the Three Out Side Police Station (uncredited) Poppea: A Prostitute in Service of the Emperortrue My Horse, My Gun, Your Widowtrue- Innkeeper (uncredited) Beat the Deviltrue- Barman (uncredited) A Minute to Pray, a Second to Dietrue Man Called Amentrue- Bell Ringer Colorado Charlietrue- Barkeeper Nights of Cabiriatrue- Man Eating in the Nightclub (uncredited) Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Todaytrue The Hellbenderstrue- Man at Saloon The Great Silencetrue- Barman It Started in Naplestrue- Man in Bar Dio li fa poi li accoppiatrue- il tassista di Roma Nights of Boccacciotrue- Spettatore Grasso After the Foxtrue- Fat Actor Hell Raiders of the Deeptrue Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amicitrue- er Buiaccaro Sugar, Honey and Peppertrue- padre di Rosalia I'm Getting a Yachttrue- parcheggiatore Carmen di Trasteveretrue- Customer Eating Spaghetti Crime at the Chinese Restauranttrue- Gasparotto Morgan, the Piratetrue- Pirate (uncredited) Big Deal on Madonna Streettrue- un carcerato The Haunted Housetrue- cliente della banca The Highschool Girl, the Devil, and the Holywatertrue- Uomo scippato Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panzatrue- Cliente della locanda Fear in the Citytrue- (as Domenico Poli) The Moralisttrue- Bicycle policeman (uncredited) My Father Monsignortrue- narratore Big Deal on Madonna Street 20 Years Latertrue- Cesare All the Way to Paristrue- Italian Butcher The Marquis of Grillotrue- Oste Poor Girl, Pretty Girltrue- Richetto (uncredited) The Left Hand of the Lawtrue Man Only Cries for Lovetrue- Lo Giudice (uncredited) He Thief, She Thieftrue- Remo (uncredited) Toto in Paristrue- Il grassone del treno (uncredited) Me, Me, Me... and the Otherstrue- (uncredited) The Mighty Anselmo and His Squiretrue- Oste On the Day of the Lordtrue City of Womentrue- Party guest (uncredited) Altissima pressionetrue- Il salumiere Hit Squadtrue- Vittorio 'Er Mussulmano' Raganelli Bombertrue- Cook (uncredited) Flatfoot in Egypttrue- Airplane passenger next to Caputo Odds and Evenstrue- Shop Owner (uncredited) I Kill, You Killtrue- Sicilian man (segment "Cavalleria Rusticana, oggi" A Sky Full of Stars for a Rooftrue The Unfaithfulstrue- Scorza The Terror with Cross-Eyestrue- Barman al party The Bigamisttrue- Prisoner (uncredited) At the Edge of the Citytrue- Signore (uncredited) Fortunellatrue- Orso Bruno Rita the Field Marshaltrue- German Soldier (uncredited) Brutti di nottetrue- Man in Piazza Navona Triumph of the Ten Gladiatorstrue- Tavern Owner (uncredited) Poor But Beautifultrue- the laughing Customer at 'Antica Roma' The Bang-Bang Kidtrue- Bartender You're on Your Owntrue- Chicken Vendor (uncredited) Aphrodite, Goddess of Lovetrue- Un Commerciante (uncredited) I motorizzatitrue- Vittorio (uncredited) The Twelve-Handed Men of Marstrue- Tifoso allo stadio The Two Marshalstrue- Postino Toto and the Kings of Rometrue- un'anima Toto and the Womentrue- l'infermiere Lo smemorato di Collegnotrue- L'Uomo panchina (uncredited) Il ragazzo che sorridetrue- Porter Destruction Forcetrue- titolare del bar Nero's Mistresstrue- The Builder of the Theater La ragazza sotto il lenzuolotrue- John Allison Story of Fear and a Knifetrue Highway Racertrue- Peppone - the informer The Honey Pottrue- Cook (uncredited) Crime on the Highwaytrue- Restaurant Owner (uncredited) His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- 1st Barman (uncredited) I'm Photogenictrue- "L'ultimo Rally" Assistant Director (uncredited) On My Way to the Crusades, I Met a Girl Who...true- Esattore The Overcoattrue- Town Councillor (uncredited)