Marcelle Féry
Marcelle Féry
Top Movie Cast
Good Lord Without Confessiontrue- La concierge La rue des bouches peintestrue No More Vacation for the Good Lordtrue Fantomas Against Fantomastrue- (uncredited) The Prizetrue- Une cliente de l'épicerie Pastouret (uncredited) The Rear-Wheel Drive Gangtrue Rendezvous in Julytrue- (uncredited) Alone in Paristrue- (uncredited) Under the Paris Skytrue- Lottery saleswoman (uncredited) The Forest of Farewelltrue Cherished by her conciergetrue The Road to Damascustrue- The screaming woman (uncredited) Life in a Songtrue- (uncredited) Double or Quitstrue- The bearded man's wife No Vacation for Mr. Mayortrue Lettre ouvertetrue- The old lady (uncredited) On the Benchtrue- Concierge Let's Be Daring, Madametrue- Un passager du premier car (uncredited)