Witold Dederko
Witold Dederko
Top Movie Cast
Ostatnie takie triotrue- Starzec z kosą It's Spring, Sergeanttrue- Ignacy Tumanek, śpiewak ludowy Sonata marymonckatrue- Old Man The Peasantstrue- (uncredited) Roly Polytrue- Organ Seller Wniebowstąpienietrue- Man listening to the Announcement (uncredited) The End of the Holidaytrue- Staruszek na karuzeli Aria for an Athletetrue- starzec na ulicy Lesson of a Dead Languagetrue- pop Album polskitrue- Man In Maria's Apartment (uncredited) Ktokolwiek wie...true- "Inspector" Abel, Your Brothertrue- Mr Jonasz Everything for Saletrue- Taxi Driver Złote kołotrue- Konrad Zagórski The Promised Landtrue- Old Dyer Hunting Fliestrue- Neighbour Nights and Daystrue- Peasant