Todd Haberkorn
Todd Haberkorn
Top Movie Cast
Hotel Transylvania: Transformaniatrue- Additional Voices (voice) Ever After High: Thronecomingtrue- Sparrow Hood (voice) Ben Gen 10true- Slapback (voice) No Tears for the Deadtrue- DetectiveJang Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicatetrue- Big King Fish (voice) Monster High: Hauntedtrue- Porter Geiss (voice) Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacationtrue- Additional Voices (voice) Hotel Transylvania 2true- Additional Voices (voice) Mass Effect: Paragon Losttrue- Milque (voice) Cadette in Chargetrue- Sam Ben 10 vs. the Universe: The Movietrue- Slapback / Tetrax Shard / Solar Twain (voice) You've Got Thistrue- Additional Voices (voice) Evil Behind Youtrue- Terrorist 3 Paranormal Prisontrue- Matthew Ever After High: True Hearts Daytrue- Sparrow Hood (voice) Bobby the Hedgehogtrue- Scientist Profile Images
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