Yury Martynov
Yury Martynov
Top Movie Cast
Liberation: The Fire Bulgetrue- Gromov's adjutant Don't Wake a Sleeping Dogtrue Executor of the Sentencetrue Diamonds for Mariyatrue- Глеб Игнатьевич мастер Shot In The Backtrue- Виктор, сотрудник угрозыска Earthy Lovetrue- член бюро райкома Lady Into Lassietrue- Pavel Alekseevich upravleniye The Black Triangletrue- милиционер (нет в титрах) Сдаётся квартира с ребёнкомtrue- Кузовлев участковый Dust Under the Suntrue- Сергей Николаевич Эрети командир Курского бронедивизиона From Spring to Summertrue- капитан 1-го ранга Russian Roulettetrue- капитан милиции Trips on an Old Cartrue- начальник футбольной команды Liberation: The Break Throughtrue- Gromov's Adjutant Tsar Ivan the Terribletrue A Cruel Romancetrue- гость Chicherintrue- (as Yu. Martinov) It Happened in Penkovotrue- Lyonya Story of a Human Hearttrue Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Weddingtrue The Twenty Six Comissarstrue- Ivan Gabyshev (as Yu. Martinov) Black Princetrue- оперативник Via Gobi and Khingantrue- Ranenyy v telnyashke Listen, on the other sidetrue They Were Nineteen Years Oldtrue- Vasil Ivanenko They Were Actorstrue- член военного трибунала I'm Staying with Youtrue- партизан A Special Unittrue- officer Not Under the Jurisdictiontrue- flight engineer The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerstrue- officer Wild Honeytrue- german prisoner Khatanbaatartrue- Colonel People's Khatanbaatartrue- Colonel Pyotr Martynovich And The Years Of Great Lifetrue Time to Flytrue- пассажир в буфете (нет в титрах)