Joshua Courtade
Joshua Courtade
Top Movie Cast
Moon Ghosttrue- Sgt. Hooper / Death / Astronauts / Captain / Pastor / Narrator Twenty Years Latertrue- Kevin Greenfield Hank Danger and the League of Scientiststrue- The Mastermind Hank Danger and the Fountain of Deathtrue- Graham Kansas Moon Ghost Returnstrue- Narrator/Uncle Steve/Death/Bernie/Burglar/Menlorp Melody on Earthtrue- Jim / Tim Top Movie Crew
Carrie and Jess Save the Universe!trueWriting
Carrie and Jess Save the Universe!trueDirecting
Carrie and Jess Save the Universe!trueProduction
Carrie and Jess Save the Universe!trueEditing
Hank Danger and the Riddle Mountain CursetrueDirecting
Hank Danger and the Woman from Venus!trueDirecting
Hank Danger and the Woman from Venus!trueWriting
Black PapertrueProduction
Twenty Years LatertrueDirecting
Twenty Years LatertrueWriting
Hank Danger and the League of ScientiststrueDirecting
Hank Danger and the League of ScientiststrueWriting
Hank Danger and the Space Mummy's TombtrueDirecting
Hank Danger and the Fountain of DeathtrueDirecting
Hank Danger and the Space Mummy's TombtrueWriting
Hank Danger and the Fountain of DeathtrueWriting
Moon Ghost ReturnstrueProduction
Moon Ghost ReturnstrueDirecting
Moon Ghost ReturnstrueWriting
Moon Ghost ReturnstrueEditing
Melody on EarthtrueProduction
Melody on EarthtrueVisual Effects
Melody on EarthtrueDirecting
Melody on EarthtrueEditing
Melody on EarthtrueWriting
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