Charlotte Mineau
Charlotte Mineau
Top Movie Cast
The Counttrue- Mrs. Moneybags (uncredited) She Sighed by the Seasidetrue- The Widow Sweedie Collects for Charitytrue- Mrs. Goodheart Two Dinky Little Dramas of a Non-Serious Kindtrue- The Sweetheart's Mother Sweedie's Suicidetrue- 3rd Trickster The Victortrue- Mrs. Justwed's Mother Two Hearts That Beat as Tentrue- The Nurse Three Boiled Down Fablestrue- Passenger, Episode #3, The Prevailing Craze Sugar Daddiestrue- Mrs. Brittle 45 Minutes from Hollywoodtrue- Mother His New Jobtrue- Film Star A Night in the Showtrue- Lady in the Stalls The Floorwalkertrue- Store Detective The Extra Girltrue- Belle Brown A Boarding House Scrambletrue- The Landlady Little Robinson Corkscrewtrue- Belle Browne Hard Knocks and Love Tapstrue- The Widow Here We Go Againtrue- The Widow Get 'Em Youngtrue- the hired bride The Sea Squawktrue- Pearl Blackstone - Blackie's Accomplice Flickering Youthtrue- Lady Barber Sparrowstrue- Mrs. Grimes Don't Weaken!true- Party Guest (uncredited) The Vagabondtrue- The Mother Wise Guys Prefer Brunettestrue- The Matron Behind the Screentrue- Actress (uncredited) Easy Streettrue- Bully's Wife (uncredited) The Rinktrue- Edna's Friend (uncredited) The Hansom Cabmantrue- Mrs. Brief - Betty's Mother Sweedie Learns to Swimtrue- Tall Student Love 'Em and Weeptrue- Mrs. Aggie Tillsbury Trying to Get Alongtrue- The Newly Married Cafe Owner's Wife The First Autotrue- Mrs. Stebbins The Laundresstrue- Bessie Happinesstrue- Head Saleslady Carolyn of the Cornerstrue Sweedie Goes to Collegetrue- Mrs. Knowledge - the Matron Kidding Katietrue- Housemaid Rosemary Climbs the Heightstrue- Mme. Thamar Fedoreska