Cha Soon-bae
Cha Soon-bae
Top Movie Cast
On the Linetrue- Chief Police My Worst Neighbortrue- Realtor Informanttrue- Hwang Sang-gil The Witch: Part 2. The Other Onetrue- Dr. Byeon I Have a Date with Springtrue- Han-na's Homeroom Teacher Lady Vengeancetrue- Reporter Escapetrue- Division Commander Memento Moritrue- Joon-byeong Svaha: The Sixth Fingertrue- General Affairs Monk A Taxi Drivertrue- Driver Cha Innocencetrue- Na Il-jeong The Gangster, the Cop, the Deviltrue- Judge The Book of Fishtrue- Poong-heon Night in Paradisetrue- Mr. Hwang