Malene Schwartz
Malene Schwartz
Top Movie Cast
The Boy Belowtrue- Farmor Venus fra Vestøtrue- Nicola Egede-Schack The Girl and the Viscounttrue- Irene Gyldenstjerne Den rige enketrue- Grete Ellekjær Landsbylægentrue- Anne-Mette Krogh Komtessentrue- Betina Mortensen Flame & Citrontrue- Gilbert's Wife Halløj i himmelsengentrue- Jeanette The Girl and the Playboytrue- Britta Sorte Sharatrue- Chefen's Wife The Castletrue- Bente Falke Mr. Sleeman Is Comingtrue Det lille hoteltrue- Marianne Frøken Nitouchetrue- Corinna Min kone fra Paristrue- Kirsten Dreyer Twist and Shouttrue- Kirsten's Mother Drømmen om det hvide slottrue- Susanne Strand Reconstructiontrue- Mrs. Banum Apriltrue- Frk. April Bergen Arsenik og gamle kniplingertrue- Martha Brewster Profile Images
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