Jean-Yves Gautier
Jean-Yves Gautier
Top Movie Cast
Touch and Dietrue- Pierre The Undertaker Parlor Computertrue Three Lives and Only One Deathtrue- Mario Change My Lifetrue- Client Nina A Chef in Lovetrue- Anton Gogoladze Don't Worry, I'm Finetrue- Chief doctor Inseparabletrue- Le surveillant général Charlie Bravotrue- Berthaud, l'artificier Caravan to Vaccarèstrue- Gendarme Guy de Maupassanttrue- Dorchain Holy Yeartrue- Chief Steward Le Cri des hommestrue- Rubio Fado, Major and Minortrue- Joachim Brigade Call Girlstrue- Jacques Lefin Genealogies of a Crimetrue- Mathieu Voyage to the Beginning of the Worldtrue- Afonso The French Detectivetrue- Letellier To the Bitter Endtrue- Filipe The Dominici Affairtrue- Orderly (uncredited) Life and Nothing Buttrue- Caporal The Heart's Crytrue- Paul Guerin Dismissed From Lifetrue- Milicjant Normal People Are Nothing Exceptionaltrue- Paul Point d'orguetrue- Vignault The Telegraph Routetrue- Pilot One Morning in June 1940true- Dunand