Viktor Baykov
Viktor Baykov
Top Movie Cast
Inspector Generaltrue- Коробкин The Swineherdtrue- (voice) Postman's Taletrue- (voice) Liberation: The Break Throughtrue- Vyacheslav Molotov In the Thirteenth Hour of the Nighttrue- Domovoy Man Without a Passporttrue- начальник почтового отделения Liberation: The Fire Bulgetrue- Vyacheslav Molotov Liberation: Direction of the Main Blowtrue- Vyacheslav Molotov Liberation: Battle for Berlintrue- Vyacheslav Molotov Old Men: Robberstrue- Главбух Aniskin and Fantomastrue- Свиридов (водитель ограбленной машины) Cipollinotrue- Pan Pumpkin The Girlstrue- Ksan Ksanych Tablet Under the Tonguetrue A Shot in the Fogtrue- Самарин, парикмахер ("Католик") Road to the Seatrue- taxi passenger (uncredited) Experimenttrue- otets Leny Where are you, Knights?true- Yegor Frantsevich