Vladimir Smirnov
Vladimir Smirnov
Top Movie Cast
Return of the "Battleship"true Bonfire in the White Nighttrue The Red Tenttrue- Shelagin The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'true- Иевлев - капитан милиции Give Me a Paw, My Friend!true Start Liquidationtrue- Vasily Andreevich Sokolov precinct Mishka, Seryoga and Itrue Escape of Mr. McKinleytrue- эпизод Meet Me at the Fountaintrue- Sergei To Award (Posthumously)true The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvintrue- Shofyor Trust Me, Peopletrue- водитель Man Without a Passporttrue- офицер КГБ They Conquer the Skiestrue- pilot Very Important Persontrue Golden Rivertrue- член банды Губенко The Lost Expeditiontrue- Губенко The Fight in the Taigatrue Eagle Islandtrue- Sashka Biryukov Early in the Morningtrue- Олег Фоменцев Pirates of the 20th Centurytrue- pompolit Facts of the Past Daytrue- Tuchin Petrovka Street, Number 38true- следователь Your Son and Brothertrue- гость Воеводиных (нет в титрах) The Property of Republictrue- телеграфист There Is Such a Ladtrue- парень на танцах (нет в титрах)