Viktor Mizin
Viktor Mizin
Top Movie Cast
Папа, мама и золотая рыбкаtrue- (voice) Who Will go to Truskavets?true- surgeon The Flighttrue- командир в штабе Фрунзе Spring Selectiontrue- Korpenko's fellow Look at These Young People!true- Boris Bondarenko, platoon commander Three Days of Viktor Chernyshyovtrue- Vladimir Smirnov Father of a Soldiertrue- Seryogin, tankman A Mother's Hearttrue- Gorchilin Морской характерtrue- lieutenant Propazha Svidetelyatrue- geologist Sea Cadet of Northern Fleettrue- Sailor Womentrue- Vitka, Slavik's father Farm in the Steppetrue- Gavrila