Leonid Yevtifyev
Leonid Yevtifyev
Top Movie Cast
War and Peace, Part II: Natasha Rostovatrue- Caulaincourt (uncredited) War and Peacetrue- Caulaincourt (uncredited) The Iron Curtaintrue- Head teacher Bukharin: Enemy of the Peopletrue- Розенгольц The Rest Is Silencetrue- Robert At the Beginning of the Centurytrue- Lepeshinsky Ballad of a Hussartrue- adjutant We Are Taking All The Firetrue The Twenty Six Comissarstrue- Solomon Bogdanov Lebedev vs. Lebedevtrue- research institute employee A Royal Regattatrue- member of the academic council The End of 'Saturn'true- Canaris' adjutant The Sixth of Julytrue- Belenky The Battle after the Victorytrue- American major Residence Permittrue- Nechvolodov's employee The Seventeenth Transatlantictrue Office Romancetrue- guest (uncredited) Horses Aren't Changed at the Crossingtrue Goal at Spasskie Gatetrue The End of the "Black Knights"true Arrival Day is a Departure Daytrue State Border: Vol. 8. On the Far Bordertrue