Ion Marinescu
Ion Marinescu
Top Movie Cast
François Villon: The Maverick Poettrue- Marele Cotcar Babusca's Adventurestrue- The Bearded One Vlad the Impaler: The True Life of Draculatrue- Mahmud Pasha The Prodigal Fathertrue- Neculce The Idle Princes of the Old Courttrue- Iorgu Mercenaries' Traptrue- Priest For Motherlandtrue- Mehmet Pasha Iancu Jianu, Tax Collectortrue- Calafeteanu Călifar's Milltrue- Iorgu The Momenttrue- Mărăcineanu Strange Agenttrue- Dr. Kann Captain's Ion Arrowtrue- Flor Cireșariitrue- Petrăchescu The Mona Lisa Without a Smiletrue- Caius