Thomas Mauch
Thomas Mauch
Top Movie Cast
My Best Fiendtrue- Self (archive footage) I Am My Films: A Portrait of Werner Herzogtrue- Self Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamertrue- Self Portrait: Werner Herzogtrue- Self (archive footage) Location Africatrue- Self Burden of Dreamstrue- Self - DOP Top Movie Crew
Aguirre, the Wrath of GodtrueCamera
Even Dwarfs Started SmalltrueCamera
The King's DaughterstrueCamera
How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck ChucktrueCamera
Shirin's WeddingtrueCamera
Under the Pavement Lies the StrandtrueCamera
Die Wahl - Bundestagswahl 1965, Wahlkreis Neu-UlmtrueCamera
Miscellaneous NewstrueCamera
The Assault of the Present on the Rest of TimetrueCamera
Frau Blackburn, geb. 5. Jan. 1872, wird gefilmttrueCamera
Besitzbürgerin, Jahrgang 1908trueCamera
No Mercy, No FuturetrueCamera
The Power of EmotiontrueCamera
Artists Under the Big Top: PerplexedtrueCamera
Maria von den SternentrueDirecting
Strongman FerdinandtrueCamera
Krieg und FriedentrueCamera
Part-Time Work of a Domestic SlavetrueCamera
The Indomitable Leni PeickerttrueCamera
The Flying Doctors of East AfricatrueCamera
Invisible Days, or the Legend of the White CrocodiletrueCamera
The Patriotic WomantrueCrew
Ain’t Nothin’ Without YoutrueCamera
The Cat Has Nine LivestrueCamera
Waller's Last TriptrueCrew
The Bella VistatrueProduction
The Kingdom of NaplestrueCamera
The Cat Has Nine LivestrueProduction
Orson Welles: The One-Man BandtrueCrew
The Distant LandtrueCamera
Palermo or WolfsburgtrueProduction
Palermo or WolfsburgtrueCamera
Au Hasard BressontrueCamera