Hamlet Khanizadeh
Hamlet Khanizadeh
Top Movie Cast
The Last Mountain Passtrue- Talibov Find That Girltrue- Dadash Babektrue- Khalifa Motasim Golden Precipicetrue- Lutfali bey Another Lifetrue- Amanulla The Window of Sadnesstrue- Hadji The Stab in the Backtrue- Imash The Earth. The Sea. The Fire. The Skytrue- Oilman The Devil under the Windshieldtrue- Pashayev The Scoundreltrue- Alasgar The Avenger of Ganjabasartrue- Bolshevik Execution Daytrue- Patient/ Sadi Afandi/ Poet Garib in the Land of Jinntrue- Raki The Instigatortrue- Murtuzov Pirverdi's Roostertrue- Molla Jafar August is Coming Soontrue- Nadir The Day after Tomorrow at Midnighttrue- Hadji Ilyas Additional Tracetrue- Malikov