Sadig Huseynov
Sadig Huseynov
Top Movie Cast
Under the Burning Suntrue I wasn't Beautiful thentrue- Gurban In a Southern Towntrue- Babash My Seven Sonstrue- Villager The Last Mountain Passtrue- Samad The Golden Goosetrue- Alihuseyn I Compose a Songtrue- Villager Golden Precipicetrue- Ahmad Sound of the Pipetrue- Rza Saddle these Horsestrue- Villager Don't Be Afraid, I'm with Youtrue- Mardan's Father If Not This, Then Thattrue- Gochu The Stab in the Backtrue- Ali The Bay of Happinesstrue- Fatullaev The Devil under the Windshieldtrue Why do You Remain Silent?true I Want to Get Marriedtrue- Villager Wait for the Signal from the Seatrue In Front of a Closed Doortrue Garib in the Land of Jinntrue How the Song is Composedtrue- Passenger I Want to Understandtrue- Shukurov Çarvadarların izi ilətrue- Mahmud The Native Shorestrue- Old Man Broken Bridgestrue- Karimov Şəhərli Biçinçilərtrue- Asad Overthrow According to Plan 107true