Sadaya Mustafayeva
Sadaya Mustafayeva
Top Movie Cast
Shared Breadtrue- Shamama If I Die, Forgive Metrue- Yusif's Mother The Mother in Lawtrue- Minaya I wasn't Beautiful thentrue- Gozal In the Name of the Lawtrue- Khatun The Day Passedtrue- Asmar's Mother The Golden Goosetrue- Shafiga's Mother The Jinn in Microdistricttrue- Mother Business and Pleasuretrue- Sughra The Birthday Partytrue- Ali's Mother Wait for the Signal from the Seatrue The Silver Trucktrue- Madina's Mother Broken Bridgestrue- Manzar Şəhərli Biçinçilərtrue- Humay Long Live, Girlstrue- Rustam's Mother