Christofer Pallu
Christofer Pallu
Top Movie Cast
Tarde demais, meu amortrue- Pedro The Last House on the Righttrue The Redneck Against the Deviltrue Top Movie Crew
Karate TerritorytrueDirecting
Anezia dos Santos – Diaries of a Votorantim Factory WorkertrueEditing
Cinema Whore WordtrueEditing
Cinema Whore WordtrueCrew
Cinema Whore WordtrueDirecting
Meu nome é AnatrueEditing
Meu nome é AnatrueProduction
Tarde demais, meu amortrueDirecting
Tarde demais, meu amortrueProduction
Tarde demais, meu amortrueSound
Tarde demais, meu amortrueWriting
Tarde demais, meu amortrueEditing
Tarde demais, meu amortrueCamera
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueWriting
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueDirecting
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueProduction
Waiting for the Thin MantrueEditing
200 Minutes of Something I Haven't FelttrueEditing
200 Minutes of Something I Haven't FelttrueArt
An Afternoon at the CinemathequetrueEditing
An Afternoon at the CinemathequetrueSound
An Afternoon at the CinemathequetrueEditing
An Afternoon at the CinemathequetrueCrew
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueSound
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueEditing
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueArt
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueSound
The Redneck Against the DeviltrueCamera
Waiting for the Thin MantrueCamera
Waiting for the Thin MantrueSound
Waiting for the Thin MantrueSound
Waiting for the Thin MantrueArt
Bedside Things, CuritibatrueSound
Spell in the ParktrueEditing
Bedside Things, CuritibatrueEditing
Spell in the ParktrueEditing
Franco no Trem do MedotrueCamera
Franco no Trem do MedotrueCamera
The PrisonertrueProduction
The Last House on the RighttrueCamera
The Last House on the RighttrueDirecting